6144 rank

9,615,558 points

2,949 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Golad    East Coast Guile
Walstrand 5287 Golad East Coast Guile 11,064,605 3,154
Golad    Be Guiled
Zorskog 5044 Golad Be Guiled 10,507,688 3,470
Golad    Goliad Heights
Korch 6144 Golad Goliad Heights 9,615,558 2,949
Golad    Golon Heights
Xyr 6223 Golad Golon Heights 9,191,494 2,784
Golad    Golad Gift Shop
Uceria 7472 Golad Golad Gift Shop 4,338,661 1,799
Golad    GoldBerg
Carthage 9817 Golad GoldBerg 88,328 213