11688 rank

576,567 points

1,176 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Atilla the Tyrant    Angry Fangs
Zorskog 1592 Atilla the Tyrant Angry Fangs 115,372,904 14,768
Atilla the Tyrant    No Hassle
Brisgard 11130 Atilla the Tyrant No Hassle 1,844,833 2,470
Atilla the Tyrant    The Agency
Xyr 10335 Atilla the Tyrant The Agency 1,359,123 1,779
Atilla the Tyrant   
Korch 11688 Atilla the Tyrant 576,567 1,176
Atilla the Tyrant   
Walstrand 11770 Atilla the Tyrant 330,339 663