1652 rank

176,550,687 points

12,363 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
GreatOZ the Wizard    Tercio Warriors
Parkog 32 GreatOZ the Wizard Tercio Warriors 2,864,031,599 624,196
GreatOZ the Wizard    Templars
Noarsil 473 GreatOZ the Wizard Templars 693,342,848 111,495
GreatOZ the Wizard    Knights who say "Ni"
Vingrid 1489 GreatOZ the Wizard Knights who say "Ni" 190,706,119 16,238
GreatOZ the Wizard    RT🌩Rolling Thunder
Langendorn 1524 GreatOZ the Wizard RT🌩Rolling Thunder 185,219,639 16,189
GreatOZ the Wizard    EMPIRE TEMPLARS
Brisgard 1717 GreatOZ the Wizard EMPIRE TEMPLARS 184,529,065 13,387
GreatOZ the Wizard    The No Rules Guild
Sinerania 1520 GreatOZ the Wizard The No Rules Guild 182,221,737 12,766
GreatOZ the Wizard    Talladega Knights
Arvahall 2025 GreatOZ the Wizard Talladega Knights 182,134,291 13,833
GreatOZ the Wizard    Wanderers
Rugnir 1482 GreatOZ the Wizard Wanderers 180,519,332 12,274
GreatOZ the Wizard    "BACK in BLACK"
Uceria 1529 GreatOZ the Wizard "BACK in BLACK" 179,463,997 12,331
GreatOZ the Wizard    Elysium
Cirgard 1706 GreatOZ the Wizard Elysium 179,422,523 13,313
GreatOZ the Wizard    Severed
Mount Killmore 1644 GreatOZ the Wizard Severed 178,579,159 12,788
GreatOZ the Wizard    The Iron Alliance
Jaims 1578 GreatOZ the Wizard The Iron Alliance 178,326,080 12,881
GreatOZ the Wizard    EZTraders
Qunrir 1578 GreatOZ the Wizard EZTraders 177,801,787 12,144
GreatOZ the Wizard    Wascally Wabbit's
Odhrorvar 1587 GreatOZ the Wizard Wascally Wabbit's 176,620,009 12,799
GreatOZ the Wizard    Infinity
Korch 1652 GreatOZ the Wizard Infinity 176,550,687 12,363
GreatOZ the Wizard    The Ærie 🦅
East-Nagach 1795 GreatOZ the Wizard The Ærie 🦅 176,353,126 13,022
GreatOZ the Wizard    The Pack
Houndsmoor 1704 GreatOZ the Wizard The Pack 176,322,754 12,751
GreatOZ the Wizard    K.I.S.S.
Dunarsund 1772 GreatOZ the Wizard K.I.S.S. 176,013,405 12,938
GreatOZ the Wizard    Knights Templar II
Tuulech 1501 GreatOZ the Wizard Knights Templar II 174,662,245 12,752
GreatOZ the Wizard    Paradox
Greifental 1687 GreatOZ the Wizard Paradox 174,052,671 12,773
GreatOZ the Wizard    The Expendables
Fel Dranghyr 1728 GreatOZ the Wizard The Expendables 173,979,235 12,381
GreatOZ the Wizard    house of greco
Walstrand 16698 GreatOZ the Wizard house of greco 34,191 71