771 rank

380,249,699 points

53,337 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
staggeringox    Hardwood Forest
Parkog 465 staggeringox Hardwood Forest 554,365,348 79,124
staggeringox    Savage
Dunarsund 603 staggeringox Savage 517,527,756 81,310
staggeringox    Veni Vidi Vici
Korch 771 staggeringox Veni Vidi Vici 380,249,699 53,337
staggeringox    Castle Knights
Arvahall 1014 staggeringox Castle Knights 378,875,130 46,633
staggeringox    Solidarity
Xyr 610 staggeringox Solidarity 378,532,142 47,259
staggeringox    Guild of Honor🏅
Houndsmoor 800 staggeringox Guild of Honor🏅 376,069,688 52,773