3174 rank

59,891,281 points

10,501 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
RorryDogg    Just4ForFun
Rugnir 2909 RorryDogg Just4ForFun 60,623,392 10,502
RorryDogg    Just4ForFun
Korch 3174 RorryDogg Just4ForFun 59,891,281 10,501
RorryDogg    Just 4 the fun of it
Houndsmoor 3322 RorryDogg Just 4 the fun of it 59,238,262 10,502
RorryDogg    Just4ForFun
Mount Killmore 3312 RorryDogg Just4ForFun 59,227,170 10,497
RorryDogg    Just 4 the fun of it
Parkog 8729 RorryDogg Just 4 the fun of it 1,730,521 39
Tuulech 9201 RorryDogg 1,279,849 13