3099 rank

54,590,570 points

10,699 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Retlaw the Strong    reason Слава Україна
Brisgard 2754 Retlaw the Strong reason Слава Україна 79,810,390 15,423
Retlaw the Strong    Mad Dogs
Houndsmoor 2787 Retlaw the Strong Mad Dogs 70,529,061 12,947
Retlaw the Strong    DragonSlayer
Noarsil 2875 Retlaw the Strong DragonSlayer 59,235,162 11,978
Retlaw the Strong    Infinity
Korch 3099 Retlaw the Strong Infinity 54,590,570 10,699
Retlaw the Strong    Pegasus of V
Vingrid 2871 Retlaw the Strong Pegasus of V 52,691,911 10,104
Retlaw the Strong    Blue's Palace
Dunarsund 3466 Retlaw the Strong Blue's Palace 51,707,105 9,580
Retlaw the Strong    In This for Quests
Parkog 2899 Retlaw the Strong In This for Quests 51,158,936 9,058
Retlaw the Strong    Zero
Mount Killmore 3428 Retlaw the Strong Zero 48,259,462 9,204
Retlaw the Strong    Hermit's Legacy
East-Nagach 3605 Retlaw the Strong Hermit's Legacy 45,196,760 7,974