6801 rank

7,227,970 points

2,408 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Zafarth of the Northmen   
Vingrid 5905 Zafarth of the Northmen 10,081,249 4,369
Zafarth of the Northmen   
Noarsil 6141 Zafarth of the Northmen 9,246,105 3,291
Zafarth of the Northmen   
Jaims 6524 Zafarth of the Northmen 8,518,477 2,897
Zafarth of the Northmen   
Sinerania 6357 Zafarth of the Northmen 7,242,542 2,163
Zafarth of the Northmen   
Korch 6801 Zafarth of the Northmen 7,227,970 2,408
Zafarth of the Northmen    Godfathers
Mount Killmore 7886 Zafarth of the Northmen Godfathers 6,321,753 2,107
Zafarth of the Northmen    Casual Clan
Odhrorvar 7070 Zafarth of the Northmen Casual Clan 5,104,449 1,724
Zafarth of the Northmen    nobody too
Langendorn 10926 Zafarth of the Northmen nobody too 681,962 819