8484 rank

2,791,096 points

1,474 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Joe Doe Jr    The Old Order
Tuulech 3954 Joe Doe Jr The Old Order 27,044,971 4,289
Joe Doe Jr    🐉Dragons Blood
Odhrorvar 6714 Joe Doe Jr 🐉Dragons Blood 6,177,269 1,695
Joe Doe Jr    Soaring Eagles
Qunrir 7359 Joe Doe Jr Soaring Eagles 4,471,866 1,847
Joe Doe Jr    Land of Doe
Rugnir 7568 Joe Doe Jr Land of Doe 3,727,086 1,848
Joe Doe Jr    Tradeaholics Anon
Cirgard 8755 Joe Doe Jr Tradeaholics Anon 3,468,779 1,768
Joe Doe Jr    Silent Nite
East-Nagach 8792 Joe Doe Jr Silent Nite 3,461,137 1,647
Joe Doe Jr    Diamond Guild
Korch 8484 Joe Doe Jr Diamond Guild 2,791,096 1,474