7435 rank

5,271,623 points

12,295 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
The Worm Shepherd    Dragons Heart
Odhrorvar 1340 The Worm Shepherd Dragons Heart 224,908,832 381,516
The Worm Shepherd    The Undevoted 𒉌𒌇
Dilmun 885 The Worm Shepherd The Undevoted 𒉌𒌇 43,524,328 21,974
The Worm Shepherd    Shroud
Carthage 1793 The Worm Shepherd Shroud 21,064,923 12,652
The Worm Shepherd    Shroud
Korch 7435 The Worm Shepherd Shroud 5,271,623 12,295
The Worm Shepherd    The Good Fight
Angkor 16354 The Worm Shepherd The Good Fight 45,030 156