16330 rank

83,064 points

146 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Hatshepsut 8507 the Lion    Forging ty
Odhrorvar 6800 Hatshepsut 8507 the Lion Forging ty 5,660,742 1,579
Hatshepsut 8507 the Lion    Gagor
Langendorn 13988 Hatshepsut 8507 the Lion Gagor 171,016 236
Hatshepsut 8507 the Lion    Hhgfrtth
Korch 16330 Hatshepsut 8507 the Lion Hhgfrtth 83,064 146
Hatshepsut 8507 the Lion    Huii
Carthage 10773 Hatshepsut 8507 the Lion Huii 54,707 120