10384 rank

1,023,887 points

469 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Sophocles 3027 the Noble    The knight's of Monk
Arvahall 11211 Sophocles 3027 the Noble The knight's of Monk 2,726,338 872
Sophocles 3027 the Noble    Oeoeo
Sinerania 8235 Sophocles 3027 the Noble Oeoeo 2,295,276 589
Sophocles 3027 the Noble    Saepe Gaudens
Angkor 8014 Sophocles 3027 the Noble Saepe Gaudens 2,025,465 453
Sophocles 3027 the Noble    Fedsmoker
Zorskog 8295 Sophocles 3027 the Noble Fedsmoker 1,823,338 580
Sophocles 3027 the Noble    MANOWAR'S MISFITS
Birka 6251 Sophocles 3027 the Noble MANOWAR'S MISFITS 1,614,599 517
Sophocles 3027 the Noble    Not illuminati ;)
East-Nagach 10826 Sophocles 3027 the Noble Not illuminati ;) 1,227,422 602
Sophocles 3027 the Noble    Warriors of Seth
Xyr 10815 Sophocles 3027 the Noble Warriors of Seth 1,073,314 378
Sophocles 3027 the Noble    Toradora!
Korch 10384 Sophocles 3027 the Noble Toradora! 1,023,887 469
Sophocles 3027 the Noble    Wolverines
Houndsmoor 11530 Sophocles 3027 the Noble Wolverines 970,027 456
Sophocles 3027 the Noble    Finsupnation31
Vingrid 10154 Sophocles 3027 the Noble Finsupnation31 965,666 451
Sophocles 3027 the Noble    Boffo Knights
Dilmun 5528 Sophocles 3027 the Noble Boffo Knights 260,545 258
Sophocles 3027 the Noble    Hampire
Yorkton 15282 Sophocles 3027 the Noble Hampire 103,855 70
Sophocles 3027 the Noble   
Carthage 11968 Sophocles 3027 the Noble 43,054 45
Sophocles 3027 the Noble    Cthulhu’s Eye
Parkog 16684 Sophocles 3027 the Noble Cthulhu’s Eye 40,222 35