16866 rank

79,141 points

113 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
txba    Clan of the Wolf
Arvahall 7099 txba Clan of the Wolf 11,962,958 3,504
txba    Wolfe Pack
Brisgard 16127 txba Wolfe Pack 296,298 225
txba    Allied Raiders Union
Cirgard 15876 txba Allied Raiders Union 209,886 192
Dunarsund 16538 txba 175,764 178
txba    Kings of Old
East-Nagach 16646 txba Kings of Old 128,931 163
txba    Vikings
Fel Dranghyr 16663 txba Vikings 107,989 132
txba    Peacekeepers 🥉
Korch 16866 txba Peacekeepers 🥉 79,141 113
txba    Saints of Killmore
Mount Killmore 20534 txba Saints of Killmore 54,429 82
Noarsil 17363 txba 45,999 100