1010 rank

319,396,663 points

35,545 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
pure big wisdom    Wizards of OZ
Korch 1010 pure big wisdom Wizards of OZ 319,396,663 35,545
pure big wisdom    It is What it Is
Odhrorvar 3302 pure big wisdom It is What it Is 47,759,163 6,951
pure big wisdom    🛰 firefly
Mount Killmore 3723 pure big wisdom 🛰 firefly 46,488,384 7,273
pure big wisdom    The Knights of Birka
Birka 1883 pure big wisdom The Knights of Birka 42,923,239 6,264
pure big wisdom    Vulcan Rider- NonGvG
East-Nagach 4341 pure big wisdom Vulcan Rider- NonGvG 33,790,693 5,519
pure big wisdom    American Right
Cirgard 4612 pure big wisdom American Right 27,038,681 5,056