10666 rank

944,932 points

185 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
TerifficTimTheTenacious    PANTHEON
Brisgard 4902 TerifficTimTheTenacious PANTHEON 22,372,223 31,172
TerifficTimTheTenacious    Good Place to Play
Fel Dranghyr 5178 TerifficTimTheTenacious Good Place to Play 15,340,880 1,814
TerifficTimTheTenacious    Better Place
Zorskog 4875 TerifficTimTheTenacious Better Place 10,317,106 6,524
TerifficTimTheTenacious    The best place
Korch 10666 TerifficTimTheTenacious The best place 944,932 185