11970 rank

409,195 points

1,083 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
OKEE604    The Old Corps
Houndsmoor 6132 OKEE604 The Old Corps 13,431,237 7,406
OKEE604    New World Traders
Langendorn 11970 OKEE604 New World Traders 409,195 1,083
OKEE604    floppy chesticles
Korch 12574 OKEE604 floppy chesticles 387,475 928
OKEE604    High Times
Rugnir 12129 OKEE604 High Times 353,667 890
OKEE604    Architects Noir
Walstrand 11775 OKEE604 Architects Noir 317,764 951
OKEE604    Excalibur
Yorkton 13109 OKEE604 Excalibur 256,205 1,357