14427 rank

126,759 points

165 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Honorius 717 the Noble    Just me
Zorskog 13080 Honorius 717 the Noble Just me 195,487 384
Honorius 717 the Noble   
Fel Dranghyr 15219 Honorius 717 the Noble 146,405 160
Honorius 717 the Noble    Threethirty
Xyr 16020 Honorius 717 the Noble Threethirty 138,539 1,379
Honorius 717 the Noble    Regulators
Mount Killmore 17175 Honorius 717 the Noble Regulators 133,546 226
Honorius 717 the Noble   
Yorkton 14834 Honorius 717 the Noble 126,771 302
Honorius 717 the Noble    Ice Fish Warriors
Langendorn 14427 Honorius 717 the Noble Ice Fish Warriors 126,759 165
Honorius 717 the Noble    FemiUnion
Qunrir 14827 Honorius 717 the Noble FemiUnion 95,001 174