18041 rank

29,990 points

135 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
PatientChristine    The Scots
Zorskog 13409 PatientChristine The Scots 176,750 281
PatientChristine    The Dark Tower
Yorkton 14610 PatientChristine The Dark Tower 146,340 206
PatientChristine    The Powerful
Brisgard 18065 PatientChristine The Powerful 136,987 216
Arvahall 20103 PatientChristine 132,800 230
PatientChristine    Knights of Helmsgate
Houndsmoor 16726 PatientChristine Knights of Helmsgate 125,911 188
PatientChristine    Afterhours
Angkor 14076 PatientChristine Afterhours 124,448 239
PatientChristine    Queen's Revenge
East-Nagach 16325 PatientChristine Queen's Revenge 122,712 205
PatientChristine    FamilyTime
Tuulech 14081 PatientChristine FamilyTime 121,391 180
PatientChristine    lunar wolf
Uceria 14812 PatientChristine lunar wolf 111,830 233
PatientChristine    Roman Empire
Noarsil 14825 PatientChristine Roman Empire 110,011 160
Parkog 14876 PatientChristine 96,488 146
PatientChristine    Legends
Carthage 10011 PatientChristine Legends 81,262 171
PatientChristine    Helm's Deep
Qunrir 15434 PatientChristine Helm's Deep 80,657 165
Korch 16448 PatientChristine 76,472 177
PatientChristine    RARE ALLIANCE
Fel Dranghyr 17059 PatientChristine RARE ALLIANCE 74,263 156
PatientChristine    Galicea
Mount Killmore 19223 PatientChristine Galicea 68,679 181
PatientChristine    Rampage
Dunarsund 18572 PatientChristine Rampage 68,001 168
Sinerania 15786 PatientChristine 67,686 149
PatientChristine    Valor
Dilmun 7112 PatientChristine Valor 65,854 119
Birka 14097 PatientChristine 30,866 89
PatientChristine    Rome Reforged
Langendorn 18041 PatientChristine Rome Reforged 29,990 135
PatientChristine    TheRedDwarfers
Rugnir 18053 PatientChristine TheRedDwarfers 27,728 124
PatientChristine    Thunderheart
Xyr 20576 PatientChristine Thunderheart 27,560 79
Odhrorvar 17724 PatientChristine 25,981 86