16062 rank

62,055 points

23 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
ahmad52    The Blues Brothers
Arvahall 671 ahmad52 The Blues Brothers 678,470,966 131,120
Cirgard 16694 ahmad52 123,521 23
ahmad52    The Ascendance
Brisgard 18467 ahmad52 The Ascendance 113,355 26
ahmad52    league of champs
Mount Killmore 17949 ahmad52 league of champs 101,389 27
ahmad52    Nulli Secundus
East-Nagach 16605 ahmad52 Nulli Secundus 100,977 23
ahmad52    Guardians of Light
Dunarsund 17362 ahmad52 Guardians of Light 99,927 20
ahmad52    Hobbyists of Empires
Jaims 15704 ahmad52 Hobbyists of Empires 95,040 25
ahmad52    PARABELLUM
Fel Dranghyr 16438 ahmad52 PARABELLUM 87,970 20
Greifental 16508 ahmad52 67,227 16
Houndsmoor 18255 ahmad52 63,684 28
Langendorn 16062 ahmad52 62,055 23
ahmad52    Outlanders
Korch 17353 ahmad52 Outlanders 48,748 21
ahmad52    Dacia
Noarsil 16877 ahmad52 Dacia 38,424 22
ahmad52    Devereux
Parkog 17981 ahmad52 Devereux 21,231 16