12895 rank

262,164 points

348 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
centaure    DazednConfused
Dunarsund 11563 centaure DazednConfused 1,046,762 687
centaure    The Golden Age
Jaims 11175 centaure The Golden Age 716,555 599
centaure    Knights Of Truth
Houndsmoor 12506 centaure Knights Of Truth 646,981 563
centaure    Another Guild
Uceria 12516 centaure Another Guild 300,454 313
centaure    Waywards
Noarsil 12590 centaure Waywards 274,422 228
centaure    Where We Fight
Langendorn 12895 centaure Where We Fight 262,164 348
centaure    New America
Parkog 12623 centaure New America 244,175 245
centaure    Deadly Venom
Qunrir 12926 centaure Deadly Venom 228,905 261
centaure    Eye of Ra
Tuulech 13035 centaure Eye of Ra 186,811 213
centaure    The Hellfire Club
Odhrorvar 13547 centaure The Hellfire Club 158,885 170
centaure    Frostbite
Zorskog 14249 centaure Frostbite 111,649 154
centaure    WOW
Birka 11530 centaure WOW 95,721 150
centaure    Dankville
Xyr 18563 centaure Dankville 51,256 43
Yorkton 17566 centaure 43,546 95
centaure    Legio Immortalis
Korch 18590 centaure Legio Immortalis 28,825 35
centaure    Nulli Secundus
East-Nagach 20320 centaure Nulli Secundus 21,581 32
centaure    BlackAdder Smog
Brisgard 22985 centaure BlackAdder Smog 19,883 83