7473 rank

4,775,991 points

1,045 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Hermie the cat    ivanhoe
Greifental 2441 Hermie the cat ivanhoe 98,691,507 11,416
Hermie the cat    Legends Of Tomorrow
Noarsil 3715 Hermie the cat Legends Of Tomorrow 38,677,001 5,705
Hermie the cat    Retirement
Houndsmoor 5839 Hermie the cat Retirement 15,550,508 2,931
Hermie the cat    The Royal Suite
Walstrand 6759 Hermie the cat The Royal Suite 5,243,518 1,145
Hermie the cat    F.R.O.G.
Langendorn 7473 Hermie the cat F.R.O.G. 4,775,991 1,045