7657 rank

4,186,203 points

1,009 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Hermie the cat    ivanhoe
Greifental 2435 Hermie the cat ivanhoe 94,695,231 11,179
Hermie the cat    Legends Of Tomorrow
Noarsil 3730 Hermie the cat Legends Of Tomorrow 37,678,642 5,595
Hermie the cat    Retirement
Houndsmoor 5831 Hermie the cat Retirement 15,179,354 2,889
Hermie the cat    The Royal Suite
Walstrand 6981 Hermie the cat The Royal Suite 4,442,717 1,104
Hermie the cat    F.R.O.G.
Langendorn 7657 Hermie the cat F.R.O.G. 4,186,203 1,009