6660 rank

7,325,575 points

17,302 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
frosty bud    ⚔️Vikings of Chaos
Yorkton 166 frosty bud ⚔️Vikings of Chaos 1,376,016,655 483,717
frosty bud    ForGED UNI
Cirgard 3608 frosty bud ForGED UNI 46,241,558 45,850
frosty bud    Roman Empire IV
Dunarsund 4711 frosty bud Roman Empire IV 28,362,516 34,816
frosty bud    Chrysoprase
Langendorn 6660 frosty bud Chrysoprase 7,325,575 17,302
frosty bud    loco banditos
Greifental 12251 frosty bud loco banditos 485,683 4,150
frosty bud    Fun Guild
Walstrand 13321 frosty bud Fun Guild 154,345 681