2509 rank

84,095,908 points

7,608 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Anna 1045 the Just    The Misfit Toys
Arvahall 3117 Anna 1045 the Just The Misfit Toys 94,374,697 9,333
Anna 1045 the Just    A RARE BREED
Langendorn 2509 Anna 1045 the Just A RARE BREED 84,095,908 7,608
Anna 1045 the Just    League of Nomads
Yorkton 2251 Anna 1045 the Just League of Nomads 81,126,071 8,043
Anna 1045 the Just    Carpe Diem
Brisgard 2966 Anna 1045 the Just Carpe Diem 80,710,518 8,652
Anna 1045 the Just    ⏱ Time Travelers 🛸
Walstrand 2497 Anna 1045 the Just ⏱ Time Travelers 🛸 72,098,099 9,011
Anna 1045 the Just    DEFENDERS
Noarsil 2790 Anna 1045 the Just DEFENDERS 71,178,622 7,771