2392 rank

88,131,997 points

55,802 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
wing it the first    Raiders Ascended
Langendorn 2392 wing it the first Raiders Ascended 88,131,997 55,802
wing it the first    New Age
Mount Killmore 3536 wing it the first New Age 51,039,634 30,836
wing it the first    Chill n Play
Vingrid 3488 wing it the first Chill n Play 40,492,783 27,847
wing it the first    The Explorers
Brisgard 4304 wing it the first The Explorers 38,380,796 25,755
wing it the first    Knights of the table
Tuulech 3763 wing it the first Knights of the table 32,436,515 28,064
wing it the first    New Phoenix
Houndsmoor 4474 wing it the first New Phoenix 30,238,211 27,146