5224 rank

13,373,143 points

4,863 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Stevemulloy    We Play
Arvahall 3335 Stevemulloy We Play 60,953,213 10,773
Stevemulloy    Just Chillin'
East-Nagach 2955 Stevemulloy Just Chillin' 58,644,947 10,890
Stevemulloy    Knights of Columbus
Brisgard 3233 Stevemulloy Knights of Columbus 51,399,693 9,932
Stevemulloy    Crusaders of Honor
Greifental 3620 Stevemulloy Crusaders of Honor 36,066,433 8,014
Stevemulloy    King Cosmo 1
Houndsmoor 3715 Stevemulloy King Cosmo 1 35,235,042 7,868
Stevemulloy    dark
Fel Dranghyr 3717 Stevemulloy dark 34,405,105 8,516
Stevemulloy    illuminated
Jaims 3957 Stevemulloy illuminated 26,292,161 6,385
Stevemulloy    The Force
Korch 4798 Stevemulloy The Force 17,387,852 5,432
Stevemulloy    Justplay
Langendorn 5224 Stevemulloy Justplay 13,373,143 4,863
Stevemulloy    One Knight Stand
Mount Killmore 5871 Stevemulloy One Knight Stand 12,961,408 4,260
Stevemulloy    Fluer de Leis
Noarsil 5375 Stevemulloy Fluer de Leis 12,313,929 3,818
Stevemulloy    Serenity
Parkog 5411 Stevemulloy Serenity 10,938,561 3,183
Stevemulloy    Phantom Fighters
Tuulech 5571 Stevemulloy Phantom Fighters 9,572,257 3,042
Stevemulloy    LongShanKs BlooDLusT
Uceria 6187 Stevemulloy LongShanKs BlooDLusT 8,104,342 3,209