2547 rank

79,087,456 points

49,576 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Fulvia 1198 the Hard    Condottieri Aeternum
Dunarsund 238 Fulvia 1198 the Hard Condottieri Aeternum 1,311,860,629 352,907
Fulvia 1198 the Hard    Why Not Us
Uceria 2306 Fulvia 1198 the Hard Why Not Us 90,540,056 42,160
Fulvia 1198 the Hard    Zero Drama
Langendorn 2547 Fulvia 1198 the Hard Zero Drama 79,087,456 49,576
Fulvia 1198 the Hard    Kingdom of Jerusale
Greifental 2872 Fulvia 1198 the Hard Kingdom of Jerusale 70,569,503 43,676