10944 rank

695,886 points

838 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
CAG3    wolfghost clan
Arvahall 10155 CAG3 wolfghost clan 4,084,841 2,427
CAG3    Hellblade's diamonds
Greifental 8683 CAG3 Hellblade's diamonds 2,786,390 1,962
CAG3    Courage
Houndsmoor 9904 CAG3 Courage 2,035,841 1,166
CAG3    Alexis
Jaims 10338 CAG3 Alexis 1,065,934 993
CAG3    Kings of Rings
Mount Killmore 11937 CAG3 Kings of Rings 958,428 638
CAG3    Noble Spirits
Korch 10642 CAG3 Noble Spirits 907,546 1,240
CAG3    I Don't Know
Langendorn 10944 CAG3 I Don't Know 695,886 838
CAG3    Soaring Hawks
Walstrand 10536 CAG3 Soaring Hawks 613,792 727
CAG3    Mission Impossible
Birka 8097 CAG3 Mission Impossible 536,166 735
CAG3    Are You Moist?
Qunrir 11270 CAG3 Are You Moist? 531,745 938
CAG3    The Best Ever
Yorkton 11722 CAG3 The Best Ever 460,274 622
Sinerania 12431 CAG3 307,391 533
Angkor 18538 CAG3 19,800 53