11156 rank

621,626 points

514 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
tg1239    Roger's Merry Men
Brisgard 12610 tg1239 Roger's Merry Men 1,024,442 538
tg1239    The Tyrants
Tuulech 9944 tg1239 The Tyrants 850,349 556
tg1239    Dunarsund
Dunarsund 12194 tg1239 Dunarsund 837,291 528
Noarsil 10764 tg1239 660,003 517
tg1239    The cobras
Arvahall 15252 tg1239 The cobras 630,106 605
tg1239    Lords of Dogtown
Langendorn 11156 tg1239 Lords of Dogtown 621,626 514
tg1239    Blood-of-my-Blood
Sinerania 10859 tg1239 Blood-of-my-Blood 606,745 506
tg1239    Celtic
Jaims 11645 tg1239 Celtic 593,201 511
Angkor 10795 tg1239 INDIAN TIGERS 519,417 587
tg1239    LRRSC
Uceria 11584 tg1239 LRRSC 481,828 599
Vingrid 11714 tg1239 476,600 610
tg1239    rebel nation
Rugnir 11765 tg1239 rebel nation 429,687 522
tg1239    Fun Fanatics
Mount Killmore 14547 tg1239 Fun Fanatics 365,770 364
Yorkton 12423 tg1239 349,203 431
tg1239    Dr Strange
Walstrand 11694 tg1239 Dr Strange 336,891 498
tg1239    Cherokee Nation
Qunrir 12193 tg1239 Cherokee Nation 330,162 423
Korch 13208 tg1239 298,996 326
tg1239    Death Pigeons
Birka 9463 tg1239 Death Pigeons 291,815 447
tg1239    The Assassins
Xyr 14867 tg1239 The Assassins 226,921 321
tg1239    Lord Lions
East-Nagach 14955 tg1239 Lord Lions 209,314 304
tg1239    yaya420
Zorskog 13034 tg1239 yaya420 204,422 415
Greifental 14132 tg1239 200,876 292
tg1239    FOE Addicts
Houndsmoor 16421 tg1239 FOE Addicts 137,323 269
tg1239    MAHA
Cirgard 16472 tg1239 MAHA 135,221 265
tg1239    FirstOne
Fel Dranghyr 15637 tg1239 FirstOne 121,513 230
tg1239    Assassins's Guild
Odhrorvar 14407 tg1239 Assassins's Guild 104,942 228
tg1239    Lion and the Lamb
Parkog 15716 tg1239 Lion and the Lamb 60,119 166
Carthage 11511 tg1239 54,680 224