252 rank

1,122,061,481 points

201,384 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Loktar Blacktooth    Knights of Ni
Langendorn 252 Loktar Blacktooth Knights of Ni 1,122,061,481 201,384
Loktar Blacktooth    Swords of Light
Odhrorvar 3454 Loktar Blacktooth Swords of Light 42,729,935 20,356
Loktar Blacktooth    Swords of Light
Qunrir 3529 Loktar Blacktooth Swords of Light 42,060,557 22,685
Loktar Blacktooth    Dragons’ Sovereign
Zorskog 4500 Loktar Blacktooth Dragons’ Sovereign 15,243,311 13,058
Loktar Blacktooth    Amazon Sun Warriors
Arvahall 12706 Loktar Blacktooth Amazon Sun Warriors 1,504,219 1,724