6665 rank

7,013,671 points

1,682 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Theresa 76 the Intrepid   
Arvahall 7276 Theresa 76 the Intrepid 13,044,376 2,820
Theresa 76 the Intrepid    Gabriel Hounds
Brisgard 6851 Theresa 76 the Intrepid Gabriel Hounds 11,508,725 2,319
Theresa 76 the Intrepid    Dragon's Hearth
Cirgard 6711 Theresa 76 the Intrepid Dragon's Hearth 9,147,727 2,287
Theresa 76 the Intrepid   
Noarsil 6137 Theresa 76 the Intrepid 9,010,370 1,852
Theresa 76 the Intrepid   
Mount Killmore 7364 Theresa 76 the Intrepid 7,713,760 1,694
Theresa 76 the Intrepid   
Dunarsund 7432 Theresa 76 the Intrepid 7,688,271 2,026
Theresa 76 the Intrepid    The Relaxed
Uceria 6523 Theresa 76 the Intrepid The Relaxed 7,482,137 2,189
Theresa 76 the Intrepid   
Langendorn 6665 Theresa 76 the Intrepid 7,013,671 1,682
Theresa 76 the Intrepid    Traders Welcome!
Parkog 6480 Theresa 76 the Intrepid Traders Welcome! 6,784,370 1,622
Theresa 76 the Intrepid   
Jaims 6936 Theresa 76 the Intrepid 6,673,924 1,655
Theresa 76 the Intrepid   
Fel Dranghyr 7275 Theresa 76 the Intrepid 6,366,609 1,826
Theresa 76 the Intrepid    Immortal chevaliers
Odhrorvar 6714 Theresa 76 the Intrepid Immortal chevaliers 6,197,517 1,431
Theresa 76 the Intrepid    The Unpolished
Houndsmoor 7727 Theresa 76 the Intrepid The Unpolished 6,183,378 1,686
Theresa 76 the Intrepid   
Xyr 7223 Theresa 76 the Intrepid 5,891,361 2,236
Theresa 76 the Intrepid    The Hammer
Qunrir 6904 Theresa 76 the Intrepid The Hammer 5,831,977 1,546
Theresa 76 the Intrepid    Troy
Yorkton 6793 Theresa 76 the Intrepid Troy 5,326,806 3,636
Theresa 76 the Intrepid   
Rugnir 7375 Theresa 76 the Intrepid 4,195,335 1,470
Theresa 76 the Intrepid    Citizens of Atlantis
Tuulech 7211 Theresa 76 the Intrepid Citizens of Atlantis 4,188,825 1,401
Theresa 76 the Intrepid   
Greifental 8013 Theresa 76 the Intrepid 4,176,401 1,464
Theresa 76 the Intrepid    Triton
Korch 7794 Theresa 76 the Intrepid Triton 4,112,331 1,468
Theresa 76 the Intrepid    Journey
Vingrid 7582 Theresa 76 the Intrepid Journey 3,838,462 1,939
Theresa 76 the Intrepid    THE FORGE BRIGADE
Sinerania 7385 Theresa 76 the Intrepid THE FORGE BRIGADE 3,824,526 1,391
Theresa 76 the Intrepid   
Birka 6274 Theresa 76 the Intrepid 1,535,098 2,186
Theresa 76 the Intrepid    ⛄️ hide out ❄️
Zorskog 8966 Theresa 76 the Intrepid ⛄️ hide out ❄️ 1,272,581 1,893