10808 rank

791,173 points

1,297 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
* QB *    SyRaiders
Qunrir 103 * QB * SyRaiders 1,371,644,121 406,472
* QB *    SyRaiders
Arvahall 3478 * QB * SyRaiders 56,626,601 14,324
* QB *    Centaurs
Sinerania 5684 * QB * Centaurs 9,277,587 5,190
* QB *    Centaurs
Parkog 6124 * QB * Centaurs 7,400,685 3,116
* QB *    The Enigma
Rugnir 6250 * QB * The Enigma 7,009,740 2,936
* QB *    Centaurs
Brisgard 10788 * QB * Centaurs 1,842,285 3,224
* QB *    Centaurs
East-Nagach 10062 * QB * Centaurs 1,707,496 2,850
* QB *    Centaurs
Noarsil 9216 * QB * Centaurs 1,484,034 2,726
* QB *    Centaurs
Dunarsund 10838 * QB * Centaurs 1,420,820 2,417
* QB *    Centaurs
Korch 10172 * QB * Centaurs 1,158,496 1,672
* QB *    Centaurs
Tuulech 9772 * QB * Centaurs 995,150 1,485
* QB *    Centaurs
Langendorn 10808 * QB * Centaurs 791,173 1,297
* QB *    QB City
Cirgard 14875 * QB * QB City 295,571 686