6027 rank

10,211,014 points

4,180 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
big dog 49    Hodoria
Dunarsund 4232 big dog 49 Hodoria 36,140,884 7,269
big dog 49    Hidden Hase
Greifental 4844 big dog 49 Hidden Hase 22,513,661 5,792
big dog 49    Man of War
Tuulech 4357 big dog 49 Man of War 22,347,393 6,004
big dog 49    Skywalkers Stump
Arvahall 6040 big dog 49 Skywalkers Stump 22,338,550 5,942
big dog 49    U.S.A
Korch 4897 big dog 49 U.S.A 19,887,178 5,571
big dog 49    The United Legion
Qunrir 4908 big dog 49 The United Legion 18,044,226 5,224
big dog 49    Narwhals
Noarsil 4959 big dog 49 Narwhals 17,782,563 5,437
big dog 49    Palatinae
Brisgard 6613 big dog 49 Palatinae 13,292,957 4,800
big dog 49    golands army
East-Nagach 6386 big dog 49 golands army 12,128,486 4,543
big dog 49    RED DRAGONS!
Houndsmoor 6596 big dog 49 RED DRAGONS! 11,062,089 4,244
big dog 49    Calipso
Walstrand 5463 big dog 49 Calipso 10,833,603 4,446
big dog 49    Traders & Raiders
Langendorn 6027 big dog 49 Traders & Raiders 10,211,014 4,180
big dog 49    Tend 2 Bring Friends
Odhrorvar 5929 big dog 49 Tend 2 Bring Friends 9,881,501 4,028
big dog 49    Chaser
Rugnir 6009 big dog 49 Chaser 9,499,556 4,048
big dog 49    SunDevils
Uceria 6193 big dog 49 SunDevils 9,228,825 4,057
big dog 49    Actions of the Rat
Fel Dranghyr 6837 big dog 49 Actions of the Rat 8,147,336 3,604
big dog 49    Sons of Caligula
Zorskog 5739 big dog 49 Sons of Caligula 7,935,031 3,492
big dog 49    Compmanjej
Cirgard 7123 big dog 49 Compmanjej 7,923,727 3,752
big dog 49    Dauntless
Parkog 6335 big dog 49 Dauntless 7,643,118 3,528
big dog 49    lynnettes lounge
Mount Killmore 7501 big dog 49 lynnettes lounge 7,582,381 3,321
big dog 49    Black Rose
Sinerania 6321 big dog 49 Black Rose 7,351,686 3,323
big dog 49    SENECA
Jaims 6830 big dog 49 SENECA 7,233,193 3,414
big dog 49    Chill Station
Vingrid 6922 big dog 49 Chill Station 5,802,034 3,058
big dog 49    No Requirements
Xyr 7629 big dog 49 No Requirements 5,065,380 2,954
big dog 49    420
Angkor 6660 big dog 49 420 4,493,409 2,182
big dog 49    The Ordo Belli
Carthage 3948 big dog 49 The Ordo Belli 3,121,983 1,734
big dog 49    Snow Like Ashes
Yorkton 7968 big dog 49 Snow Like Ashes 2,887,249 2,136
big dog 49    Vibration
Birka 5546 big dog 49 Vibration 2,711,367 1,514
big dog 49    nigrum mortem
Dilmun 3374 big dog 49 nigrum mortem 1,692,708 1,403