397 rank

781,395,367 points

151,184 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
ACE the chief    Knights of Ni
Langendorn 397 ACE the chief Knights of Ni 781,395,367 151,184
ACE the chief    Retired
Tuulech 3294 ACE the chief Retired 44,080,736 6,200
ACE the chief   
Uceria 3465 ACE the chief 42,002,481 6,679
ACE the chief    it's just a game
Vingrid 4189 ACE the chief it's just a game 26,345,854 5,118
ACE the chief    Not My Main World
Fel Dranghyr 4678 ACE the chief Not My Main World 24,490,422 2,782
ACE the chief    Zizounia
Qunrir 4592 ACE the chief Zizounia 21,553,944 2,884
ACE the chief    RelaxationZone
Greifental 5911 ACE the chief RelaxationZone 12,730,716 3,908
ACE the chief   
Arvahall 9191 ACE the chief 6,455,935 10,960