9611 rank

1,319,252 points

3,435 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Ferrum the Great    Super Bunny
Noarsil 864 Ferrum the Great Super Bunny 318,642,210 52,827
Ferrum the Great    Λ P Σ X⏫Imperium
Brisgard 4427 Ferrum the Great Λ P Σ X⏫Imperium 33,099,292 49,417
Ferrum the Great    Ferrum Guild
Langendorn 9611 Ferrum the Great Ferrum Guild 1,319,252 3,435
Ferrum the Great    Wynners' Guild
Tuulech 10195 Ferrum the Great Wynners' Guild 765,950 201
Ferrum the Great    Gamers Guild
Xyr 12788 Ferrum the Great Gamers Guild 503,768 994
Ferrum the Great   
Carthage 11008 Ferrum the Great 51,619 368