4999 rank

17,713,294 points

12,775 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Djoos the Inquisitor    Donkey Dung
Tuulech 4658 Djoos the Inquisitor Donkey Dung 18,814,756 9,649
Djoos the Inquisitor   
Langendorn 4999 Djoos the Inquisitor 17,713,294 12,775
Djoos the Inquisitor   
Fel Dranghyr 5691 Djoos the Inquisitor 14,068,453 7,233
Djoos the Inquisitor    Fleurs-de-Rocaille
Uceria 6662 Djoos the Inquisitor Fleurs-de-Rocaille 7,273,495 4,142
Djoos the Inquisitor    The Four Horsemen
Xyr 9678 Djoos the Inquisitor The Four Horsemen 1,772,733 2,735
Djoos the Inquisitor   
Carthage 4868 Djoos the Inquisitor 1,450,999 1,765
Djoos the Inquisitor   
Dilmun 4451 Djoos the Inquisitor 611,171 796