1089 rank

278,413,241 points

63,899 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
jbc43221    Three Inns
Cirgard 967 jbc43221 Three Inns 367,911,755 85,588
jbc43221    Aloha Cats
Carthage 226 jbc43221 Aloha Cats 301,231,651 67,978
jbc43221    Abbey Rogue
Dunarsund 1146 jbc43221 Abbey Rogue 298,861,666 73,861
jbc43221    Arc Dynasty
Angkor 766 jbc43221 Arc Dynasty 284,343,148 68,058
jbc43221    Knights of Ni
Langendorn 1089 jbc43221 Knights of Ni 278,413,241 63,899