15451 rank

91,639 points

399 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Elizabeth 3691 the Lion    IRKEN ARMADA
East-Nagach 14778 Elizabeth 3691 the Lion IRKEN ARMADA 243,696 827
Elizabeth 3691 the Lion    Agents
Sinerania 14704 Elizabeth 3691 the Lion Agents 114,074 424
Elizabeth 3691 the Lion   
Langendorn 15451 Elizabeth 3691 the Lion 91,639 399
Elizabeth 3691 the Lion    Absentee LandLords
Brisgard 19471 Elizabeth 3691 the Lion Absentee LandLords 83,687 373
Elizabeth 3691 the Lion   
Arvahall 22091 Elizabeth 3691 the Lion 71,203 249