6985 rank

6,196,701 points

11,027 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
canadough420    โš“๐ŸบThe Ark ๐Ÿฅƒโš“
Rugnir 410 canadough420 โš“๐ŸบThe Ark ๐Ÿฅƒโš“ 793,419,913 239,905
canadough420    Swords of Light
Xyr 4019 canadough420 Swords of Light 28,533,395 36,605
canadough420    Anaconda
Carthage 1833 canadough420 Anaconda 19,082,279 20,560
canadough420    It's All Good!
Langendorn 6985 canadough420 It's All Good! 6,196,701 11,027