15057 rank

95,649 points

226 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
cnipper    Assassin Nation
Houndsmoor 1028 cnipper Assassin Nation 329,379,155 270,694
cnipper    Assassin Nation
Yorkton 4925 cnipper Assassin Nation 14,631,477 11,757
cnipper    🍺 Cheers 🍺
Jaims 6260 cnipper 🍺 Cheers 🍺 9,737,633 7,786
cnipper    The Diamond Asylum
Dunarsund 16268 cnipper The Diamond Asylum 158,046 257
Langendorn 15057 cnipper 95,649 226
Parkog 14924 cnipper 86,883 181
Birka 13190 cnipper 44,530 105