15819 rank

74,039 points

83 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Joan 1739 the Spider    don't forget
Arvahall 12449 Joan 1739 the Spider don't forget 1,622,438 604
Joan 1739 the Spider    Jesus is coming soon
Zorskog 11886 Joan 1739 the Spider Jesus is coming soon 334,324 324
Joan 1739 the Spider    The Highlanders
Mount Killmore 15910 Joan 1739 the Spider The Highlanders 221,303 327
Joan 1739 the Spider   
East-Nagach 15435 Joan 1739 the Spider 175,263 241
Joan 1739 the Spider    Kingdom of Jerusalem
Langendorn 15819 Joan 1739 the Spider Kingdom of Jerusalem 74,039 83