11206 rank

653,381 points

634 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
RichKirby19807    GreenPeace
Arvahall 14976 RichKirby19807 GreenPeace 681,927 827
RichKirby19807    Those New Guys
Langendorn 11206 RichKirby19807 Those New Guys 653,381 634
Zorskog 10577 RichKirby19807 610,854 755
RichKirby19807    Bravehearts
Brisgard 14074 RichKirby19807 Bravehearts 575,534 894
RichKirby19807    The Rose Buds
Yorkton 11339 RichKirby19807 The Rose Buds 548,569 817
RichKirby19807    For the Fun of It
Odhrorvar 11672 RichKirby19807 For the Fun of It 455,172 713