13630 rank

195,316 points

260 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Hatshepsut 8507 the Lion    Forging ty
Odhrorvar 6853 Hatshepsut 8507 the Lion Forging ty 5,699,898 1,580
Hatshepsut 8507 the Lion    Gagor
Langendorn 13630 Hatshepsut 8507 the Lion Gagor 195,316 260
Hatshepsut 8507 the Lion    Hhgfrtth
Korch 15788 Hatshepsut 8507 the Lion Hhgfrtth 98,981 162
Hatshepsut 8507 the Lion    Huii
Carthage 10556 Hatshepsut 8507 the Lion Huii 69,383 127