5275 rank

14,988,499 points

8,799 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Cadmus 1390 the Great    Pride Lives
Parkog 4792 Cadmus 1390 the Great Pride Lives 18,015,142 9,022
Cadmus 1390 the Great    Time Of Ages
Langendorn 5275 Cadmus 1390 the Great Time Of Ages 14,988,499 8,799
Cadmus 1390 the Great    The Fellowship Realm
Uceria 5612 Cadmus 1390 the Great The Fellowship Realm 12,148,314 5,842
Cadmus 1390 the Great    Dances with Cats
Mount Killmore 6622 Cadmus 1390 the Great Dances with Cats 11,007,504 5,941