11732 rank

460,234 points

384 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Bruno the Mean   
Uceria 4435 Bruno the Mean 22,965,362 7,481
Bruno the Mean   
East-Nagach 10870 Bruno the Mean 1,203,979 682
Bruno the Mean   
Cirgard 12741 Bruno the Mean 577,518 440
Bruno the Mean   
Langendorn 11732 Bruno the Mean 460,234 384
Bruno the Mean   
Xyr 13156 Bruno the Mean 423,236 347
Bruno the Mean   
Greifental 13703 Bruno the Mean 252,242 264
Bruno the Mean   
Yorkton 13270 Bruno the Mean 242,458 277
Bruno the Mean   
Mount Killmore 15750 Bruno the Mean 230,886 219