9550 rank

1,356,026 points

1,815 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Leeleesai the second   
Odhrorvar 2209 Leeleesai the second 105,551,509 60,937
Leeleesai the second    Free United Nerds
Langendorn 9550 Leeleesai the second Free United Nerds 1,356,026 1,815
Leeleesai the second   
Arvahall 13686 Leeleesai the second 1,085,133 1,854
Leeleesai the second   
Xyr 11314 Leeleesai the second 905,426 1,355
Leeleesai the second   
Brisgard 13584 Leeleesai the second 696,664 925
Leeleesai the second    Lords & Ladies
Walstrand 10787 Leeleesai the second Lords & Ladies 525,237 890
Leeleesai the second   
Korch 12085 Leeleesai the second 483,155 982
Leeleesai the second   
Cirgard 17537 Leeleesai the second 84,746 240