3758 rank

46,134,420 points

27,069 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Grafster53    Crimson Pirates
Brisgard 1618 Grafster53 Crimson Pirates 198,262,939 53,518
Grafster53    Island of Misfits
Mount Killmore 3758 Grafster53 Island of Misfits 46,134,420 27,069
Grafster53    Darkhorse
East-Nagach 4201 Grafster53 Darkhorse 36,790,037 11,167
Grafster53    Quiet and Peaceful
Fel Dranghyr 4094 Grafster53 Quiet and Peaceful 34,417,194 6,800
Grafster53    Bone Crushers
Arvahall 5252 Grafster53 Bone Crushers 32,965,004 9,342
Grafster53    Darkhorse
Dunarsund 4732 Grafster53 Darkhorse 28,678,054 11,544
Grafster53    The Black Dragons
Cirgard 4550 Grafster53 The Black Dragons 28,368,117 9,063
Grafster53    No Rules
Houndsmoor 6426 Grafster53 No Rules 11,971,796 4,026
Grafster53    Triton
Korch 6108 Grafster53 Triton 10,547,698 4,682
Grafster53    Dumbledore’s Army
Jaims 6596 Grafster53 Dumbledore’s Army 8,352,106 5,947