4485 rank

31,469,809 points

5,109 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Henry the 92nd    Borg Bullys
Arvahall 475 Henry the 92nd Borg Bullys 909,954,995 170,516
Henry the 92nd    NCC-1701-D
Angkor 494 Henry the 92nd NCC-1701-D 482,392,998 119,081
Henry the 92nd    πŸ’Ž Farmers
Brisgard 1470 Henry the 92nd πŸ’Ž Farmers 223,369,941 24,474
Henry the 92nd    πŸ’Ž Farmers
Cirgard 1521 Henry the 92nd πŸ’Ž Farmers 208,965,139 22,571
Henry the 92nd    πŸ’Ž Farmers
Houndsmoor 1602 Henry the 92nd πŸ’Ž Farmers 192,085,467 18,044
Henry the 92nd    πŸ’Ž Farmers
East-Nagach 1720 Henry the 92nd πŸ’Ž Farmers 188,941,220 17,023
Henry the 92nd    War Chest
Fel Dranghyr 1931 Henry the 92nd War Chest 147,772,363 16,884
Henry the 92nd    πŸ’Ž Farmers
Dunarsund 2366 Henry the 92nd πŸ’Ž Farmers 116,962,990 11,351
Henry the 92nd    πŸ’Ž Farmers
Greifental 2580 Henry the 92nd πŸ’Ž Farmers 89,038,655 6,819
Henry the 92nd    πŸ’Ž Farmers
Noarsil 2456 Henry the 92nd πŸ’Ž Farmers 88,269,012 19,705
Henry the 92nd    No Demands
Birka 1261 Henry the 92nd No Demands 85,852,436 28,250
Henry the 92nd    πŸ’Ž Farmers
Jaims 2894 Henry the 92nd πŸ’Ž Farmers 65,383,948 6,729
Henry the 92nd    Henry's Kingdom
Odhrorvar 3388 Henry the 92nd Henry's Kingdom 45,690,710 8,574
Henry the 92nd    πŸ’Ž Farmers
Qunrir 3432 Henry the 92nd πŸ’Ž Farmers 45,395,845 5,514
Henry the 92nd    πŸ’Ž Farmers
Langendorn 3514 Henry the 92nd πŸ’Ž Farmers 43,680,174 9,186
Henry the 92nd    πŸ’Ž Farmers
Korch 3664 Henry the 92nd πŸ’Ž Farmers 43,101,616 4,601
Henry the 92nd    Flippin DF's
Dilmun 892 Henry the 92nd Flippin DF's 43,057,947 12,119
Henry the 92nd    πŸ’Ž Farmers
Tuulech 3801 Henry the 92nd πŸ’Ž Farmers 32,408,498 6,338
Henry the 92nd    πŸ’ŽHuntersπŸ’ŽFarmers
Mount Killmore 4485 Henry the 92nd πŸ’ŽHuntersπŸ’ŽFarmers 31,469,809 5,109
Henry the 92nd    WARCHEST
Xyr 3899 Henry the 92nd WARCHEST 31,088,752 9,013
Henry the 92nd    βš”WARCHESTβš”
Walstrand 3710 Henry the 92nd βš”WARCHESTβš” 30,642,904 8,696
Henry the 92nd    πŸ’Ž Farmers
Uceria 4159 Henry the 92nd πŸ’Ž Farmers 28,000,015 4,853
Henry the 92nd    πŸ’Ž Farmers
Zorskog 3899 Henry the 92nd πŸ’Ž Farmers 22,414,649 6,841
Henry the 92nd    T-Bill's Guild
Carthage 1778 Henry the 92nd T-Bill's Guild 21,215,775 7,227
Henry the 92nd    Lady of the Lake
Vingrid 4688 Henry the 92nd Lady of the Lake 19,796,067 5,129
Henry the 92nd    D.I.L.L.I.G.A.S.
Yorkton 4469 Henry the 92nd D.I.L.L.I.G.A.S. 19,346,142 4,356
Henry the 92nd    πŸ’Ž Farmers
Sinerania 4859 Henry the 92nd πŸ’Ž Farmers 17,068,952 3,442
Henry the 92nd    πŸ’Ž Farmers
Parkog 5521 Henry the 92nd πŸ’Ž Farmers 12,091,750 3,415
Henry the 92nd    Resident Evil - R
Rugnir 5678 Henry the 92nd Resident Evil - R 11,459,728 2,643