11203 rank

1,298,415 points

1,298 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
AJ the Incredible    Free Masons
Rugnir 5027 AJ the Incredible Free Masons 16,257,796 22,181
AJ the Incredible    Caddy Shack
Cirgard 6324 AJ the Incredible Caddy Shack 11,852,371 12,199
AJ the Incredible    Outcasts
Xyr 8156 AJ the Incredible Outcasts 3,947,132 2,015
AJ the Incredible    Reapers
Parkog 8244 AJ the Incredible Reapers 2,297,722 1,711
AJ the Incredible    ROGUES OF ARARAT
Mount Killmore 11203 AJ the Incredible ROGUES OF ARARAT 1,298,415 1,298
AJ the Incredible    Dark Side™
Dunarsund 11156 AJ the Incredible Dark Side™ 1,269,902 1,377