2633 rank

85,565,788 points

36,507 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Paleo4321    Warrior Possums 💯
Xyr 174 Paleo4321 Warrior Possums 💯 1,181,404,069 296,647
Uceria 586 Paleo4321 555,506,463 125,818
Paleo4321    BlackJack & Hookers
Mount Killmore 2633 Paleo4321 BlackJack & Hookers 85,565,788 36,507
Paleo4321    Empire of Diamonds
Zorskog 4859 Paleo4321 Empire of Diamonds 12,460,735 15,645
Paleo4321    Celtic River
Houndsmoor 11617 Paleo4321 Celtic River 933,698 3,636