5154 rank

21,421,547 points

6,462 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
rosebud1    The Kings Head
Mount Killmore 5154 rosebud1 The Kings Head 21,421,547 6,462
rosebud1    Rock & Roll
Houndsmoor 5270 rosebud1 Rock & Roll 19,804,790 6,560
rosebud1    GuardiansOfRugnir
Rugnir 4684 rosebud1 GuardiansOfRugnir 19,174,117 6,373
rosebud1    Juxtapostion
East-Nagach 5636 rosebud1 Juxtapostion 17,215,803 6,141
rosebud1    Hogan's Heroes
Brisgard 6530 rosebud1 Hogan's Heroes 13,631,712 6,040
rosebud1    Masters of Time
Arvahall 11346 rosebud1 Masters of Time 2,579,622 2,427