2987 rank

54,201,503 points

34,224 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Spartan the V   
Vingrid 2462 Spartan the V 60,850,240 55,588
Spartan the V   
Mount Killmore 2987 Spartan the V 54,201,503 34,224
Spartan the V   
Greifental 2912 Spartan the V 53,544,505 35,060
Spartan the V   
Parkog 2749 Spartan the V 49,715,248 30,763
Spartan the V   
Birka 3126 Spartan the V 11,275,861 15,363
Spartan the V    Spartans
Dilmun 4075 Spartan the V Spartans 450,671 325